Avi Amalanshu

Undergraduate Researcher

  • 4th year at IIT Kharagpur
  • Autonomous Ground Vehicle Research Group

Information • Games • Systems • Computational Intelligence

Email: [fname].[lname]@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Snail Mail: Room No. A-110
LLR Hall of Residence, IIT KGP
Kharagpur, West Bengal
India -- 721302
Please no unabomber style pipe bomb mails. You are more likely to get the poor courier.

News Archive

[Jul '23]
Our paper on Internet Learning was accepted to the Workshop on Localized Learning at ICML 2023!
[May '23]
Inaugurated my new blog on Medium, @malansh
[May '23]
Accepted as a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) at Purdue! I will be working on localized deep learning with Prof. David Inouye.
[Aug '22]
Invited to present a poster at NeurIPS 2022 based on our MLRC report.
[Aug '22]
Our MLRC report has been published in this month's ReScience C journal.
[May '22]
Our MLRC report on "[RE] From Goals, Waypoints & Paths To Long Term Human Trajectory Forecasting" has been accepted for publication in ReScience.
[Oct '21]
Started working on the Trajectory Prediction module at AGV.
[Jul '21]
Branch change to E&ECE from Biotech approved, ranked #27 institute-wide.
[May '21]
Selected for the software team at AGV.
[Dec '20]
Joined IIT Kharagpur as an undergraduate student.